Wednesday 28 December 2011

Unaccompanied Minors---Movie review

For Christmas we got a really awesome Christmas movie (and lots of other things) called Unaccompanied Minors! It's a really good movie and it's so funny!

In this movie there are a bunch of kids that are at the airport and they are flying alone. They are all unaccompanied minors! There are five kids who escape the room they are supposed to stay in and go around the airport. Grace goes to the spa, Spencer eats a big meal he can't afford, Charlie goes to a store and does karaoke,  Donna rides in a golf cart thingy and Timothy goes to the emergency supply room! I won't say anymore but you should definitely watch it before it's to late!!!

I give Unaccompanied Minors **** 1/2 out of five stars.

One more thing, there are a few inappropriate words!

Monday 12 December 2011

Elf ---Movie review

What is the best Christmas movie that ever existed? Don't answer that! Everyone has there opinion but I would say Elf! Does anyone disagree? We watched Elf Saturday evening (on our 50 " TV). Awesome movie! If you have not already seen Elf you have to before Christmas 2011! If you have already seen Elf, watch it again and again and again!!!

Elf never gets old. It has and will always be awesome! Elf is a hilarious movie full of jokes and cool stuff.

I have a few questions for those that have seen Elf please give me your opinion!

Who do you think makes the rocking horse and does all the paper decorations?

Do you think the actor that plays Buddy likes eating spaghetti with sirup and smarties?

Was the snow used for the snowball fight real?

If you were in Elf who would your person be?

Enough with that, I give Elf ***** out of five stars!

Thursday 24 November 2011

Casa Grande Pizzeria---Restaurant review

A few weeks ago we went to a pizza place called Casa Grande Pizzeria. The pizza was amazing!!! It was fluffy and had just the right amount of everything!!!!! 

The food was great, the service was great, the decorations were great but the bathroom, no. To get to the bathroom you went through the entrance of the kitchen and down lots of stairs. The bathroom was gross and in need of some major renovations! But I'm not here to talk about bathrooms! Back to our topic PIZZA! AMAZING! Thea and I shared a pizza called 'four seasons' you could pick a topping for each quarter. The first quarter was cheese, the second pepperoni, the third sausage and the fourth ham and bacon!!! We got bread before our pizza and also ordered a Caesar salad, yum!

I give Casa Grande Pizzeria ***** out of five stars! Forget the bathrooms!

Friday 21 October 2011

Cinderella Story---Movie review

A few days ago our parents went to a 3 hour long play with their friends and we stayed home with a babysitter. We were watching T.V. and Cinderella Story was on YTV so we watched it. It was a really good movie!

A girl named Sam Montomery (played by Hillary Duff) lost her dad in a earthquake and was stuck with her mean, bossy, ugly stepped-mom Fiona and two stepped-sisters, Gabriella and Brianna! Sam's dad used to one a little old greasy diner that everyone loved! When he died, Fiona took over. It turned into an odd pink greasy diner! The waitresses all wore pink tops and poofy skirts. They all moved around on roller skates! This all meant that Fiona owned it and was the boss! Sam was forced to skate around at the diner and would have to work late or when she should be at school! For a while Sam had an e-mail exchange with a 'secret admirer' he called himself Noman or something like that. They decided they would meet in the middle of the dance floor at the homecoming dance. They did and Sam had to leave early to go to the diner and since she was wearing a mask the guy never found out who she was! Eventually he found out and a bunch of people were teasing Sam about the e-mailing stuff. Then she didn't like the Noman guy. She went to his football game she left but just as she was leaving, the guy who's name is actually Austin Ames is the captain, he saw her and went up and stopped her and then there was 5 minutes of kissing. Yuck!!!!!

It was a really good movie we all really liked it. "Ya it was awesome!" says Elmo. Thea made me say Elmo!!!

I give A Cinderella Story **** out of five stars!

Monday 12 September 2011

I scream you scream we all scream for ice cream!

Who doesn't love ice cream? Seriously, who? There are lots of awesome places to get ice cream and I'm going to tell you some of my favourites!

My absolute favourite is BDI . It's awesome!!! I used to always get soft vanilla ice cream covered in sprinkles in a cup,but I've recently discovered a new favourite, the hot caramel sundae! It's delicious!

If you've never been hurry over (if you live in Winnipeg) before it closes for the season, because after all it is outside!

Another great place serves delicious gelato. This place is called Eva's Gelato! It's really yummy too! My favourites are the mint chocolate chip, wildberry and strawberry! The fruit flavours are usually better but nothing beats mint chocolate chip! Eva's is open year round and is a great alternative to BDI during wasps season!!! They also sell coffee but I don't know anyone that's tried it. At least I don't think I do!

Another great place to get ice cream and other treats is a place I'm sure you all know of. The amazing..... DAIRY QUEEN! My favourites at Dairy Queen are mint Oreo blizzards, Oreo blizzards and the strawberry lemonade chillers! Lemonade chillers  are basically a strawberry lemonade Slurpee but more liquidy!

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Aladdin---Movie review

Today we watched Aladdin at our Grandma's house. It was alright.

At times it was kind of confusing and it was a bit over-dramatic and well not scary but like "scary wannabe". It was also sort of odd! I didn't really like Aladdin neither did Thea! We had never seen it before but we thought we'd give a shot!

I give Aladdin ** out of five stars.

Friday 26 August 2011

Jump In---Movie review

This past week we were in Gretna at our friend Madelyn's house. We rented three movies from Gretna food and video (the only store in Gretna) we got Barbie Diaries, Mr. Bean's Holiday and Jump In! We watched Jump In one morning. We head all seen it before, Thea and I had seen it when we went to Vancouver! I'd say it was just as good the second time!

Jump In is about an undefeated boxer named Izzy/Isadore who's Dad is so proud of him and wants him to be a boxer forever. But Izzy joins a double dutch team and they compete in a bunch of competitions! Izzy is played by Corbin Blue.

I really like Jump In, it's an awesome movie!

With all that said I give Jump In **** out of five stars!

Monday 15 August 2011

Mr.Poppers Penguins---Movie review

The other day we went to cinema city and we saw the movie Mr.Poppers Penguins. It was hilarious!!! We all loved it! One of the main characters was Jim Carrey. I think he is from Canada or something!

In Mr. Poppers Penguins there were a bunch of really funny penguins; Nimrod, Bitey, Captain, Stinky, Lovey and Loudy! Nimrod always walks into things, Bitey bites people a lot, Captain was the first penguin, Stinky farts a lot, Lovey hugs people and Loudy is really loud!!! Mr. Popper lived in an apartment that does not allow pets so he had to hide the penguins.

I give Mr.Poppers Penguins ****1/2 out of five stars!

Sunday 14 August 2011

Diners Drive-Ins and Dives ---Restaurant reviews

So, on our trip we went to three different Diners Drive-Ins and Dives restaurants!

First we headed south to Duluth, Minnesota to a diner called Duluth Grill. The food at the Duluth Grill was alright I didn't much enjoy my chicken fingers but I loved the fries!

The main reason we went to the Duluth Grill was for the pies! They had lots of different pies such as blueberry, lemon, strawberry, coconut and banana cream! We ordered the banana cream and the strawberry pie! They were absolutely delicious!! We all loved the pies like crazy!!!

Here's what the banana cream pie looked like!


Looks good doesn't it! That was my choice! Mom and Dad let Thea and I choose two pies for the four of us to share! Now here's what Thea chose, the strawberry pie!

Now, the hard part, I give Duluth Grill ***1/2 out of five stars!

For the next place, we're staying in Duluth we're just going to another part of town to visit  a breakfast place with two names, here is Chester Creek Cafe  At Sara's Table. This restaurant was awesome! Except for the fact that the night before we went on a bike thing with four seats and the restaurant benches were wooden so they really hurt my butt! Back to the breakfast, Thea and I each had a huge pancake. I could only eat 1/2 of mine but Thea was able to demolish about 3/4 of her pancake!

                                                                    Here's my pancake!

                       These are the sirups! On the left it's maple sirup and the right is beer sirup!
Alright now I give Chester Creek/At Sarah's Table ****1/2 out of  five stars!

Now to St.Paul, Minnesota for a place called The Blue Door Pub! The Blue Door Pub is a loveable dive that serves burgers with the cheese in the inside! it was pretty good all though the cheese wasn't much to my liking and it wasn't the best burger I've tasted but it was still really good! With my burger instead of getting fries I got Tater Tots! They were delicious!!!

                                                Here's a picture to prove it!

                                   Thea, like usual, had a root beer and I just had to get a picture!

So, we had a great time and Dad bought himself a T-shirt, no surprise there!!!

I give the Blue Door Pub **** out of five stars! 

                          At two out of the three diners restaurants we went to we saw this:

Monday 18 July 2011

Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer--- Movie review

Today we went to see, you guessed it, Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer! It was so awesome!!! I loved it! It was really funny and just awesome!

Judy's Auntie Opal comes while her parents are away. She thinks it's gonna be horrible but the summer turned out pretty good after all! Her brother Stink wants to catch Bigfoot and for most of the movie Judy thinks Bigfoot doesn't exist but when it comes to fame and thrill points she's all for it!

Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer is the perfect movie for all ages! Even the Dad's that would rather sit on their buts and watch a football game!

Here it is, I give Judy Moody and the Not Bummer Summer **** out of five stars!

101 Dalmations--- Movie review

Last night we watched 101 Dalmatians on TV. I've seen it before but it was just as good this time! It was really funny, Mom laughed a lot! The actors were really good and the dogs were so cute! Cruella Dev Il is still a bit creepy and there's one guy with a huge scar on his neck and he's really creepy, plus he can't talk! 

The version we saw wasn't animated which is probably better. It's definitely a family movie. It's not meant for tiny toddlers nor is it meant for just adults, it's meant for the whole family to enjoy! The movie is not too long and not too short, it's the perfect length! 

So now, the part that you might have been waiting for.... 
I give 101 Dalmatians ***1/2 on five stars! 

Thursday 14 July 2011

Anne of Green Gables A New Beginning---Movie review

Today we saw a movie called Anne of Green Gables A New Beginning. I didn't like it. It was really confusing. I never knew what was happening. It was really long, it was 114 minutes. When the movie ended there were a few questions you might have had about the story that wasn't answered so it was so confusing. The movie was in the past and then the present and back and forth. There's some violence and some really sad parts. The movie was really boring.

it took place during the time before Anne went to live with those people who's names I forget. You know the people that live in Green Gables! Anyways you keep thinking that's about to happen and it never does.

I have to say I don't really recommend Anne of Green Gables a New Beginning .

I give Anne of Green Gables a New Beginning * out of five stars!

Monday 4 July 2011

Night at the Museum:Battle of the Smithsonian--Movie review

A few weeks ago we watched the movie Night at the Museum:Battle of the Smithsonian. It was so funny! My dad laughed like crazy! We all agreed that it was even better than the first Night at the Museum! There were some of the same characters and some new characters! They're all really funny!  One of my favourite characters was Amelia Earhart she was funny!

There were these three statues that sang and they were sort of baby angels and they were played by the Jonas Brothers! They were so funny!!!

Anyways, I definitely loved it and recommend it. It might be scary for young audiences.

So, I give Night at the Museum:Battle of the Smithsonian ***** out of 5 stars!

Friday 3 June 2011

Keg---Restaurant review

On May long weekend our Auntie and Uncle came out from Saskatoon (see t-bone talk) and one night we went to the Keg. It was really good!
List of highlights:
  • really good chicken fingers
  • awesome bread before meal
  • good mints after meal
  • great service
  • amazing fries
  • good salads

List about bread:
  • nice and crisp
  • a bit salty
  • not over done
  • not under done
I really liked my meal although for kids over about nine years old the kids meals will probably be too small, ours were.

I give the Keg *** on five.

    Sunday 29 May 2011

    Monticchio--Restaurant review

    For Mother's Day we went to a restaurant called Monticchio, it was Italian so it had pizza and pasta, you know.It had really nice decorations and the seating was comfy!

    Before the meal they give you really good bread before the meal sort of like an appetizer but you don't have to pay for it. The food is really good but my pizza was burnt. They have really good fettuccine alfredo, my mom had that. "Buns, buns, buns, buns, buns, delicious," my mother says. Thea had meatball pizza she looooooved it! "Best eggplant parmigiana ever," says my dad.

    It was pretty good. I''d definitely recommend it!

    I give Monticchio *** out of 5.

    Friday 29 April 2011

    Kit Kittredge: American Girl --Movie review

    Ok, the other day when I was home sick, I watched this awesome movie called Kit Kittredge: American Girl.. It's about this girl, Kit, and she has a treehouse club with a few friends.

    Kit really wants to write newspaper articles and she's really good at it. She brings one article to the newspaper editor but he didn't like it that much.

    Kit's dad has to move away to Chicago to find work Kit found this out when she served soup to the poor people and she sees her dad there. To make money Kit and her mom decide to take on borders (people who don't have a home).

    Everyone decided to keep their valuables hidden so they were safe but they get stolen.

    Now, I won't give it away I will just say that it was one of the best movies I've ever seen and you should check it out. I give Kit Kittredge: American Girl **** out of five stars. Check it out!!!

    Friday 15 April 2011

    VIA Train Experience

    I'm sorry I haven't updated my blog for an extremely long time, I've been very busy.
    For the first the first few days of spring break, all of my family except for my dad who was up north for his work, took the train to visit family in Saskatoon! The train was so much fun!! There was a dome car where we could climb up the stairs and into a large dome where we watched the prairies go by!

    On the way back home, we had lunch in the dining car. Since we were only three people at a table for four, we shared our the table with a really nice lady. I had been sort of sick in Saskatoon but I got over it shortly after we got home.

    On the way to Saskatoon we didn't eat in the dining car since there were basically no slots left, we got our supper from the snack bar. We had microwavable burgers, they were alright.

    The food in the dining car was delicious! I had grilled cheese with chips on the side! The grilled cheese sandwich had three layers of bread and two layers of cheese.

    For the over all experience I'd give the VIA train experience **** on five stars!

    If you have a chance, you should definitely give the train a try!

    Sunday 20 March 2011

    The Alps---Movie review

    Today our cousin and his girlfriend took Thea and I to see an Imax movie called The Alps. It wasn't  in 3D but it was really loud! 

    The Alps was about a guy who's dad died when he climbed a mountain called the Eiger. It's a mountain that's really bumpy and jagged. His dad's rope that was holding him broke and he fell down, down, down. 

    The guy wanted to face his fear of the Eiger so with two of his friends he climbed the mountain.His daughter and wife would watch him from a telescope and his wife just happened to be looking when he slipped and fell a few feet. She said her heart stopped, she was relieved he was alright. They made it to the top and back down although one person's back was really hurting her so she got picked up by a helicopter.

    The movie was really cool, I really liked it. If you like adventure, you would love this movie. If you're afraid of heights it might freak you out or conquer your fear. 

    I'd give The Alps **** on 5 stars.

    Thursday 17 March 2011

    Full House

    There's this amazing show called Full House. It's about a big family. In the family there's Danny Tanner who is a neat freak and the dad of the family, his wife Pam died shortly after the youngest daughter, Michelle was born. Then there's the oldest daughter, D.J. (Donna Jo) Tanner D.J has a best friend named Kimmy Gibbler. Stephanie Tanner,  D.J.'s younger sister Stephanie does dance class and she always says 'How rude'. The youngest daughter in the family is little Michelle Tanner, Michelle is adorable something she often says 'Got it dude' and when she's still young she calls ice cream ouse cream. There's also Joey Gladstone and Uncle Jesse Katsopolis. Joey is Danny's best friend and he's a comedian. Jesse is Pam's brother and is a hair perfectionist he is also an Elvis fan and a rocker. Later on Jesse marries Rebecca Donaldson who co-host ' Wake Up San Francisco' with Danny Tanner. Even later on, Becky has twin boys, Nikki and Alex (Nicholas and Alexander). They like to hang with their Uncle Danny and their cousins. 

    Full House is an awesome show and you should totally check it out! Now we watch it on DVD since it is no longer shown on T.V.

    Friday 11 March 2011

    Mongos---Restaurant rating

    Mongos is an amazing Mongolian restaurant.

    You have to go and get a bowl and help yourself to any vegetables (yuck), meat, noodles and sauces. There's so much variety!

    When you have everything you want, you give your bowl to the cook and watch him/her make your meal.

    When I went with my friend we shared a bowl of ham, sausage and another meat I didn't really like but my friend liked it. We also had lots of sauces!

    I really like Mongos and I highly recommend it!

    Mongos is on Route 90 in Winnipeg close to a Canadian Tire and there are other locations too.

    I'd give Mongos ****1/2 on 5 stars.

    For more information go to

    Saturday 5 March 2011

    Zathura---Movie review

    We rented the movie called Zathura from video on demand.

    In the movie Zathura, there are two boys, Danny and Walter. They find a board game called Zathura. In the game, a number is automatically rolled, the player's rocket is moved and then a card pops out. Danny's card said "Meteor shower". As soon as they finish reading the card a meteor shower starts in their living room. Danny and Walter hide in the empty fireplace to get away from the meteors.When the meteor shower was complete Danny opened the front door and discovered they were in outer space! 

    Zathura is an awesome movie full of lots of action and adventures! I highly recommend it!

    My rating: **** out of *****

    Publish Post

    Welcome to About That!

    On my blog I'll have movie reviews, restaurant ratings, book reports and lots of other awesome things all written by me!

    On each of my posts, if  it is a type of rating/review I'll mark it on 5 stars.